Employees: The #1 Social Business Asset

When attempting to accelerate innovation and productivity in social business efforts, firms must put their employees first.

The social employee represents their company in all his or her social profiles and as such, influences the brand perception. Leveraging this potential asset and focusing on social business adoption across the enterprise is a strategic differentiator that starts with each employee's individual brand.

Personal Brand.png

The consumerization of social media was triggered by the founding of social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Communities, blogs and other online platforms allow an individual to grow an audience and influence them like never before. What were once considered private experiences are now widely sharable. And as such, It is in the best interests of the company to provide social media training to their employees.

Statistics (wersm)

  • Only 2-8% of employee social networks overlap with brand networks.

  • Leads developed through employee social marketing convert 7 times more frequently than other leads.

  • 15% of people trust recommendations from brands, 84% trust recommendations from people they know.

Take Aways

Social media skills enhance the employee experience and add efficiency to your social business program - make the investment in social media training and individual brand building for your employees.

Employees will experience social business in different ways - make transparency, employee empowerment and authenticity core traits of your social business program and evolution to ensure success.

Leadership by example and communication by the leadership team and social media advocates will go a long way toward uniting and fostering engagement with the corporate employee team.