Social Business Daily Checklist

Common questions we at Socially Savvy are asked by those who are just beginning their social business journey include, “How do I get started?” and “What are the basics that I need to cover?”

Here are our recommendations for the daily minimums:

1. Sign in to all social media accounts.

2. Respond to messages, comments, replies and notifications across all accounts, whether they are positive or negative. This includes:

LinkedIn messages/InMails, comments on updates you’ve shared and/or posts you’ve made in groups, and any new connection requests;

Twitter direct messages, @ replies and mentions, retweets, and follow any new followers as appropriate;

Facebook business account messages, posts to your company Facebook wall, status or picture tags, and thank any new followers.

3. Post new content.

This could be original information such as your own blog, but sharing valuable content from thought leaders in your industry is also good - this could take the form of articles, infographics, links, photos, and/or videos.

4. Connect with a minimum number of new followers and/or people within your industry.

Responding to new connection requests and followers you have received is not enough – you must also reach out to new contacts.

5. Monitor social channels for relevant mentions of your brand, your competitors or important industry news – a few times per day, ideally.

You need to stay current to be able to respond to anything that is evolving quickly.

Pay particular attention to company employees' individual posts, tweets and comments in an effort to support them as they aspire to build their individual brands.

6. Brainstorm future posts.

Take the time to make a note of topics that catch your eye throughout the day. You will then have a plethora of information to share over time.