The Effective Use of LinkedIn to Achieve Business Results
Social executives are perceived as innovative and have a positive impact on their organization's information sharing and reputation.
Social executives put a face on and create a voice for the organization by delivering thought leadership, effective employee and customer communications, and impactful branding activities to enable the organization.
Social media professional development programs in corporate organizations achieve three key outcomes, namely:
Teaching participants effective digital communication skills to influence business outcomes,
Improving participant and organization online branding and networking, and
Bolstering employee engagement.
Featured Corporate Clients & Case Studies
As part of the quarterly business unit review meeting, and to kick off InterSystems social business program, the global marketing leadership team participated in a social business and personal branding training. The goals achieved in the workshop included activation and optimization of LinkedIn profiles, garnering a common knowledge and skills standard and commencing the social business journey to amplify and enhance the corporate brand narrative and digital identity.
InterSystems continued its social business journey by training it sales leadership, inside sales, and field sales representatives in year 2. For sales, the program emphasized the same core outcomes as well as establishing a professional digital brand, focusing on the right prospects, engaging with insights, and earning trusted relationships.
In year 3, the social journey continued by deepening the competency with the engineering and recruiting teams. Product and company cultural awareness were central to these audiences.
Prior to the Leadership NOW 2019 Symposium, Socially Savvy delivered a continuing professional education workshop for the Missouri City leadership team. At the Leadership NOW 2019 Symposium, Socially Savvy delivered a keynote, “Leadership in the Age of Digital Communications.”
Socially Savvy helped Cantina kick off its formal social business program by conducting a workshop with a cross-departmental team of executives and employees. Cantina continued its social business program by benchmarking the social maturity of the organization, monitoring and reporting on the firm's social and network activity, and training its team.
Socially Savvy partnered with EQengineered's leadership team and employees to train to a common skills standard to enable the business through effective digital communications and influence business outcomes.
Socially Savvy provided USGIF members with social business and personal branding professional development at the annual national symposium. The USGIF is the only organization dedicated to promoting the geospatial intelligence tradecraft and building a stronger community of interest across industry, academia, government, professional organizations and individual stakeholders.
The social business and personal brand building corporate training program includes a:
Professional development in-person and/or online workshop(s)
Participant workbook
Online video course
Workshop Agenda (Sample)
8:30 - 8:40am Introductions (name, responsibilities, and goals)
8:40 - 8:45am Introduce Social Business & Personal Brand Building: The Social Moment
8:45 - 9:45am Train on LinkedIn Optimization Scorecard / LinkedIn Insights
9:45 - 10:00am Break
10:00 - 10:20am Present Best Practices for Growing & Deepening Your Social Network
10:20 - 10:40am Become an Original Content Creator
10:40 - 11:00am Develop Audience, Authority, Reputation & Influence
11:00 - 11:20am Educate on Daily Social Business To Do List
11:20 - 11:30am Summarize Workshop (what we learned, discovered and next steps)
11:30 - UTC Closing Thoughts – Take aways and open q’s
If interested in conducting a demo and learning more about the social business and personal brand building program, please contact Mark Hewitt at, or by phone at 617.448.4255.